Monday, July 9

Mich your cukies well


Anonymous said...

Nikhil this is AWESOME! Your own philately-like collection of signs! If only you could pose against some of these too :-D -- it would be equivalent to 'Where the Hell is Matt?" -- the all time popular video on YouTube -- where Matt does his been-there-done-that jig where ever he travels in the world.

Nikhil said...

THANKS Rahul :)

That's a great idea, on me posing against these pictures. Will serve as a nice photo-diary.

THANKS again :)

Balaji Sharma said...

Mikchar, Rose cukies... AND all snacks? What were all the ones before meant to be? Long Live Indian Yinglish.

PS. The dirtier side of me pokes its ugly head up again - if they spelt pea nuts as pee nuts, would people still buy them?